Rollin with my homies – Addaday Review

Disclaimer: I received the Addaday Universal roller to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review find and write race reviews!”


Rollers are great for a deep muscle massage, especially the tired leg muscles. I have tried many rollers: The Stick, a Foam Roller, and a rolling pin. They all work great, but I was introduced to Addaday products at the Blue Ridge Marathon in April 2014 and haven’t looked back.

The Stick, is just that, a stick with plastic rolling parts, very similar to the rolling pin. Good tools for rolling, but no massage features. They are easy to use and target the muscles that are hard to roll with a foam roller.

The foam roller is great as you use your body weight as the pressure to roll out your muscles, but sometimes getting into position to target muscle groups is a circus act.

This brings me to the expo of the Blue Ridge Marathon, we were strolling through all the shirts, gels, shoes, when the Addaday rep pops out and says, “Want to roll your muscles?” So I sat down in the chair and he proceeded to tell me about the massaging features on the roller he was using. In the mean time I was about in tears, the knots in my calves, ye-ouch! I had no idea they were there as the other rolling techniques didn’t pick up on them.


My friends Nicki and Tereasa, sat down and got massaged too. Tereasa walked away with a new purchase, an Addaday Roller stick. I am not going to lie, the massage felt good, but my calf felt bruised, and I had to run a marathon the next day.  I got up and ran, and had no problems, no pain. I also thank Tereasa for purchasing her roller as it was used in the car on the ride home.

In the mean time, Josh, my husband pondered purchasing an Addaday roller, wondered why he didn’t get one in Roanoke. At the time there was no place local to purchase.  Then came the trip to Chicago for the Big Ten 10k in July, the packet pick up was at Fleet Feet, which meant a little shopping. We left the store with an Addaday Type A+.


The time from April to July, I wished I would have had one of these rollers, a PF flair up had me in some pain. I needed my calves rolled out.  Once we had the Addaday, lets just say the windows needed to be shut for the “hurts so good” screams coming from the house. The gears really work into the muscles, kneading them. Check out this page for the details.


Fast forward to present day. Through Bibrave, I had the opportunity to receive an Addaday roller, well since we already owned the A+, I was able to get the Universal Roller, Type D+.


OMG…foot massage city! Remember that PF I mentioned before, I had been using a Rubz ball to roll the bottom of my foot, but I have since lost it as it’s just a ball, I think the dogs mistook it as a toy; it’s probably hiding under the couch.

Anyway the Universal D+ roller is amazing. I can just sit in the recliner and get a foot massage. There are 2 sides of gears, one for each foot. It is about a foot long and maybe 10″ wide, and forms an arch. This roller can also be used like a foam roller, in which you can lay on it to massage your muscles, using your body weight.


I have also been known to create the Addaday sandwich, the universal roller on the bottom, the A+ roller on the top of my leg, just because I can. Ok so maybe the “sandwich” isn’t your cup of tea, here is a link to other tips and tricks.


If you have been convinced that you need to purchase one of these bad boys, I found out that my local running store, Running Wild sells them. You can also purchase them through this page online.

I have already got my eye on my next Addaday purchase, the Junior.


A side note on the type A+ stick roller, my husband traveled with it and had no problems getting it through airport security.

As always read and write race reviews at Join the twitter chat on Tuesdays at 8pm Central Time.

If this review hasn’t convinced you to make the switch to an Addaday Roller, check out the following reviews from my fellow BibRave Pros:

Alex ~ Jane ~ Jenn ~ Jeremy ~ Heather ~ Melissa ~ Shannon ~ Amy ~ Sarah ~ Matt

7 thoughts on “Rollin with my homies – Addaday Review

  1. The Universal D+ looks so cool!

  2. That Universal D+ looks amazing and definitely different to the standard stick variety. Did you find it restrictive when using it on the legs?

  3. Pingback: Angie Runs | 2014 – Year in Review

  4. Pingback: Angie Runs | Go Pro Opportunity

  5. Pingback: Addaday Pro Type C Roller – Review – Angie Runs

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